What's the name of this nebula?

could someone tell me the name of this nebula? I couldn’t find it in Messier or NGC catalogs. Thanks!

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Hmm, I did a "look up in Simbad’ query and maybe it’s this:
“Dark Cloud (nebula)” sounds appropriate…

I did lookups in Simbad too and got a few different DNe results, for example, SDC G348.233+0.542, SDC G348.244+0.562, SDC G348.273+0.495… and they all seem to be assigning to this one, so that must be it, the “Dark Cloud”. Thanks @dstn !

Surprisingly, albeit its relatively large size, it does not seem to be listed in Dunlop, Messier, or even NGC catalogues.

If you zoom out in Spitzer you got this ( see images below). :grinning:

Ine :stars::dizzy:


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I usually look for the object in SIMBAD with the most citations. The Sharpless catalog (short SH), the catalog by Gum in 1955, the RCW catalog and the NGC catalog are a good way to start for bright emission nebulae. This is Sharpless 2-3, also called GUM 58 or RCW 120 and I remember this from the Milky Way Project. Spitzer Space Telescope image is below (from the MWP Subject 2993004).

I especially remember this bubble because some researchers see this as the perfect bubble and it is a prototype of an infrared bubble.


Yeah, I looked SIMBAD too but it brought up way too many hits. Oh, I wasn’t even aware of those catalogs, thank you @Melina_Thevenot ! I’ll have to explore them in more detail. :slight_smile:

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Can someone share the settings required to view nebula such as this please?

There’s a slightly more advanced version of the viewer at https://www.legacysurvey.org/viewer
including, when you click on the map, a “Look up in Simbad” link, which I think is what these folks used.

Thank you very much Dustin!