Voorwerpje but no WISE signature?

Legacy Survey Sky Browser colours looks like a voorwerp candidate but no unwise signature? Might be unlikely to be one.


No IR / WISE detection is needed, nor radio.

As Bill Keel has stated most known Voorwerpje host galaxies are radio quite, and the most interesting Voorwerpjes have no obvious active nucleus (WISE signature among other wavelenghts) in the host galaxy, since that gives information about AGN that have shut off after an active period. Really where the biggest value of Voorwerpjes comes from.

Most importantly for Voorwerpje candidates is that they are visible in one band, usually r or g (greenor blue) and not or hardly anything in the other bands, due to the specific wavelength that is emitted by them.

Hope this helps

  • Alexander

To me this is a jellyfish galaxy and that is a tail due to RPS. It looks like it might be in a cluster at first glance and RPS can look like that on further away galaxies.

I was just thinking about it. No Vorwerk btw. I have seen and know forweeps around and I find some interesting objects in the “000” degree of DECaLS DR10. I also posted candidates as well.

Would stick this in the jellyfish project on zooniverse.