Viewer intermittently unavailable

Hi. I’m getting HTTP errors accessing the viewer. the viewer is intermittently unavailable for the past 6 hours according to UptimeRobot. I don’t see anything related on NERSC as everything seems to be Up.

If you’re Dustin, can you please resolve the issue?


Hi. the viewer is working but slow and unresponsive.

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Update: its probably because of maintenance at NeRSC.

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Viewer seems to still be down. 503 service temporarily unavailable

It seems that all NeRSC resources appear to be “Up” so I don’t think it’s related to NeRSC. The viewer seems to also be down (503) earlier this morning

Just read the service outage and notification policy as outages occur more than 15 minutes but uptimerobot says its over 15 minutes

Viewer went up for about 1 minute and it is back to 503 so i think this is an issue with its servers

Update: viewer is up but extremely slow (high response time and almost unusable)

The viewer is working for me.