RA/DEC: 119.8136128 -31.1457397
This nebula can be seen in DECaPS (it actually looks more red in the viewer). I created the below image using the filters g, r and z.
The nebula does not appear in pre-outburst images from VST or PanSTARRS. In post-outburst images the nebula appears in DECam images from 2017 (image below) and 2018 (fainter). The outburst is most prominent in NEOWISE data (see WiseView).
More details in the research note that I wrote and that was just published.
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Here the nebula in the legacy viewer:

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Thanks. That’s a cool find!
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I found another variable nebula associated with an outburst in DECam i-band and NEOWISE.
I submitted it to TNS as AT 2014gv.
I searched the catalog by Vioque et al. 2020 and found VPHASDR2 J105059.4-582408.1 to be a likely FU Orionis event at around 2014-12-07. The variable nebula appears at around one year later. The source is also known as J105059.9-582405 in “Embedded YSOs in Carina Nebula complex (Gaczkowski+, 2013)”
The amplitude of the event in the i-band is about 2.7 mag and it is a long duration event (about 5 years), typical of FU Orionis or EX Lupi events.
The transient is close to the Carina Nebula. The region has a lot of DECam images because at this time a group searched for the light echo of Eta Carinae.
Here are the g-band images from DECam:
Link to DECaPS:
Got some news about this (the nebula at the top).
Gabriel Neagu from the Calin Popovici Astroclub independently discovered this nebula and the associated outbursting star. See ATel #14408
Lynne Hillenbrand from Caltech did take a spectrum with ESI on Keck and found something that looks like an AGB-star, but read the ATel #14416. “At present, the nature of IRAS 07572-3100 is ambiguous.”
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