No Decam (fits) images available. Site does not work!


When I click on this link (see image) below and I got this error (see image below). :slightly_frowning_face::weary:

Can this be fixed? @dstn ?
I need the fits images to use them in a photometry program to calculate an apparent magnitude if I want to report a supernova candidate.

Kind regards from Ine

Sorry, the whole website is down for me at this time. Now sending me a 503 Service Unavailable. :persevere:

Somehow the HTML file is being read as a XML file. :thinking: :confused:

Hi Ine,
Please try now.

Hello. I have a problem downloading FITS catalogs. When I click the * Catalog (FITS table), then it does not compress the file. If I download by browser, and then import it into the FPC in the FITS photometry program, then I get an error message.

Error: FITSLD cannot open this file. The file you have provided may have been modified, damaged, or corrupt. Please visit the Help Portal for more information.

Are you using your browser’s “Save As…” feature?
Note that the link you have sent is a CATALOG - it’s a table of measurements, not an image. A FITS image viewing program is not going to be able to understand it.

Yes, I have used ‘Save As.’ It needs to be compressed to I can open it with the photometry app.

Those catalog files are valid FITS files. If you have some other app that can’t open them, then that’s really not my problem! If that program really wants the file to be compressed for some reason, you could always compress it before feeding it to that program - eg by using gzip.

I see now. I need to update the FITS Table program, and I have fixed it now. I just wrote a Python code that runs these scripts.

Hi Dustin,

It works again! Thank you very much for your help. :slightly_smiling_face::grinning:

Kind regards from Ine :stars::dizzy:


Okay, I found out why they don’t open these files by PyFITS, I set the files to open in Google Chrome!
