Galaxies I found over the weekend

I’m not sure if this is a collisional ring or the remnants of a dwarf galaxy which collided with the bigger galaxy:
188.5510, 11.8108
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356.0738, -0.0576 Overlap?
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219.3946, 18.6869
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153.3263, 1.4271 Multiple galaxies merging and sharing their mass. (This is not a typical multi-galaxy mergers I see)
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136.4647, 1.1303 amazing overlap
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this one is also peculiar and I think it needs more research:
2.5036, 3.8622
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Possible Jellyfish Galaxies

197.2124, 0.7943
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197.5259, 0.5865
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225.1932, 7.6333 tidal tail and a ring
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221.5143, 8.5028 possible object that need more research,
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Possible gravitaitonal lensings
Gravitational lenses
239.3281, 27.0715
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(SIMBAD lists it as separate galaxy but I think It’s a gravitational lensing)
243.1950, 55.8319
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Very nice finds!