Two of my friends' recent supernova candidate discoveries in DR10

From Galaxy Zoo (Supernova Candidates Hunt)


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Analysis: The first observation of this transient in PGC923657 using the images from the LS DR10, The transient was observed twelve times at three different nights. with the first single exposure at 2013-04-16 @ 04:13:40 and the final observation at 2013-04-18 @ 02:14:10. William S has first noticed the transient in PGC923657. After he first reviewed it, ssonya7149 has sent it out to the Supernova Candidates Hunt, and later confirmed by PreJhTrg on September 18th 2022.


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Analysis: The first observation of this transient in PGC 890679 was observed twelve times at three different nights. The first one at 2013-04-16 @ 01:04:52 and the last one at 2013-04-18 @ 00:51:00. It was noticed by William S, and sent out and confirmed by ssonya7149 on Sept 18, 2022.





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