Ram pressure stripping of M83? 🤔




Ram pressure stripping occurs only in the intergalactic medium in galaxy clusters; the nearest cluster is the Virgo Cluster, which is over 50 million light-years away, while M83’s distance is only 13 million light years, so the RPS event is theoretically impossible.

It’s part of the Cen A/M83 group. While ram pressure stripping occurs at a higher rate within clusters, there is clear evidence that it also occurs even within lower mass galaxy groups (e.g. https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2021/08/aa41118-21/aa41118-21.html)

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Maybe, not sure if there’s any debate of ram pressure stripping in low mass galaxy groups, not enough medium

Tom sent a link to an article showing evidence for exactly this claim!

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