Welcome to the LegacySurvey Discussion! If you are new or want help? you can read this wiki post. References include the FAQ page, Discobot, and the legacysurvey.org website.
Welcome to the LegacySurvey Discussion! If you are new or want help? you can read this wiki post. References include the FAQ page, Discobot, and the legacysurvey.org website.
Welcome to the Legacy Survey Discussion forum. Here is a board where you can post any interesting astronomical objects, and discuss it with other people. This discussion site is where you can learn, ask questions, and share knowledge about galaxies and astronomy, and discuss unusual objects.
This discussion is scientific related to astronomy, so politeness and scientific curiosity are expected. With this in mind, please
Please ensure your content are in line with the TOS, FAQ, and other published rules/guidelines.
Please keep this community civil, and use appropriate speech and behavior. Further reading can be found here.
Violations of the above guidelines will get you a warning, temporary or permanently banned, like being arrested.
If you believe a post or topic is violating the rules, or requires staff attention, please press the
button to keep the community civil. Moderators are like police officers. Moderators have role to help oversee the forum, and keep the community civil and line with the rules. Admins, alike government officials, manage the forum, and tell announcements
A guide to using the discussion can be viewed at the Discourse New User Guide page.
To post a topic, click the Discuss thIs Object link in the viewer. You will be redirected to the discussion site with an image and link to the sky viewer in a new draft. Click the button to post your topic.
<img src="http://www.legacysurvey.org/viewer/cutout.jpg?ra=[RA]&dec=[DEC]&layer=[LAYER]&pixscale=[SCALE]
Click the button to start a new topic without posting a new object.
3: Viewer:
The Legacy Survey Viewer is an interactive sky platform which lets you view the LegacySurvey coverage and other surveys. You can view the survey coverage, CCDs, catalogs, DESI spectrums, SGA, and other cool things.
Here is a picture of the viewer.
Searching the RA and Dec in the viewer in HMSDMS works by only putting H:M:S D:M:S, but works better in decimal degrees. The viewer uses decimal degrees because it is hosted on Leaflet, and is usually used as an interactive map. In the viewer, the search bar uses a script that runs a SIMBAD Search (also not sure why) so not all objects you’ve searched may not work at this time.
The images and layers are the Legacy Survey & UnWISE images from some data releases (Some of the data releases has been deleted, but still accessible via NoirLab portaL. Overlays in the viewer, practically including the tiles and catalogs are useful for collecting data.
The control box will appear after you click at the position your mouse cursor is pointed to. Click on the mouse to turn on the control box. Element selects to button tab or cursor mouse use.
Link here: Generate a link to the RA, Dec, image, and zoom.
Data - Browse data from images and catalogs, bricks, etc. This does not work for other surveys.
Cutout & FITS - Generate a 256x256 image of an image from all surveys.
Single exposures - Generate all single exposure images from a particular object, from only the Legacy Survey viewer, as well as a query to the JPL page.
Look up in SIMBAD - Search SiMBAD for an object
Discuss this object - Post the object and discuss about it on the LS discussion page.